Visit from radioeins at the "Long Night of the Sciences"

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radioeins Moderator Julia Vismann (left) and Rebecca Klopsch (right) at the
radioeins Moderator Julia Vismann (left) and Rebecca Klopsch (right) at the "Agricultural Systems of the Future" booth. ©AdZ Management

On June 17, 2023, interested people had the opportunity to quench their thirst for knowledge on a wide variety of research topics at the Long Night of Science (LNDW) in Berlin and Potsdam. Also present were the "Agricultural Systems of the Future" and zirkulierBAR, which presented their research at the stand of the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops.

In a talk in dialogue format entitled "Von schlauen Traktoren und Bioräumen in der Stadt – eine Reise in die Landwirtschaft der Zukunft", Dr. Rebecca Klopsch and Jette Berend from the coordination office of "Agricultural Systems of the Future" took the visitors on a discovery trip through the future image of the "Agricultural Systems of the Future". This image shows our researchers' vision of a future sustainable agriculture.

At the interactive multi-touch table, children and adults asked curious questions about the research of the eight consortia of "Agricultural Systems of the Future". The various, innovative approaches to sustainable agriculture were particularly interesting: from novel foods such as jellyfish and insects to digitally networked cows and augmented reality in the field.

Radioeins reporter Julia Vismann also wanted to find out more, and conducted an interview with "Agricultural Systems of the Future" as part of the radioeins special broadcast on LNDW.